
4 Basic Safety Rules:
1. Never point your gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.
2. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until up on target and ready to fire.
3. Treat every gun as if it is loaded. A more apt description is to "know the condition of your firearm". There are times when we want it loaded, right?
4. Know your target and what is in front of and beyond your target.

Training Progression

Training is a journey.  We ALL start at the same place!!  Depending on your current skill level, you may start at the beginning or jump in where you are best suited.  Remember, shooting skills are perishable.  Train often!

Introduction to Handgun  -->  Next Steps Pistol  -->  Defensive Handgun 1  -->  Defensive Handgun 2

Carbine/AR 15:
Intro to AR15  -->  Next Steps Carbine -->  Defensive Carbine 1  -->  Defensive Carbine 2

Skill Builders
We have Skill Builders for Handgun and Carbine (AR, AK, PCC, etc.) 1 time each moth.  These allow us to sharpen our skills in a challenging way.  Lots of fun!  Pre-requisite:  Strong focus on Safety, good working knowledge/familiarity with your weapon.  This is not an Intro class or Next Steps. 

Introduction to Handgun

4 hour class.  This course is designed to introduce you to the basics of the handgun. We will cover how to safely handle and operate the handgun as well as range etiquette. You will get a chance to experience different types of handguns including revolvers and semi-automatics. All guns and ammo will be provided. We will start the day in the classroom and then hit the outdoor range!

Next Steps Series

2 hour training session.  The Next Steps Series ,for pistol or AR, is designed to help you continue your early learning/training of your weapon.  You've had the Basic/Intro class, now its time to get some more range time and instruction.  In these classes, we begin to introduce some drills that help you prepare for a defensive situation.  These are low stress drills to build skill and confidence!

Defensive Handgun 1

8 Hour course.  We start with Fundamentals and build from there.  This a challenging day and requires a bit of physical and mental stamina.  

This is NOT an introductory class.  You must have basic understanding of how to operate your handgun safely and some range time before attending this class.

Details found here

Defensive Handgun 2

8 Hour class.  Here we build on skills we learned in Defensive Handgun 1.  The skills are increasingly more difficult and we run more "scenario drills".  In addition, we have a segment on Field Casualty Medical.

Details found here

Defensive Carbine 1

8 Hour class.  This class begins with Fundamentals and gear setup.  We then take a look at zeroing and ballistics before we begin our skills development.

This is NOT an introductory class. You must have basic understanding of how to operate your carbine safely and some range time before attending this class. 

While this class is geared toward the AR15 platform, students may use the AK47, AK74, or similar.  Contact the instructor before class if you have something different.

Details found here

Defensive Carbine 2

8 Hour class.  Building on skills developed in Defensive Carbine 1, we add more exciting and advanced skills and drills.  One important skill is MEDICAL!

Details found here

Skill Builders

3 Hour training sessions.  There is a limited amount of time we can spend during the 8 hour classes on any given topic.   The Skill Builders are designed to focus and spend a bit more time on a particular firearm skill.  We will vary the topic and the weapon platform.

Details found here